Take off into Sub Space

Doms, Switches & Kink-Curious Friends welcome too :)

If you’re here, you’re thinking about taking a chance on your pleasure, happiness, and filthiest future.

If you’re here, you already know that a wholesome and empowered approach to sexuality is on offer.

If you’re here, it’s kismet. And I take the responsibility of being your supportive kinky bestie so seriously.

Let me take your little raccoon paw
and lead you into a new world…

let’s go kinksters


There are two types of membership on offer here:


  • Just as it sounds, for $6/month you’ll gain access to our discord community & can attend live Deep Dive interviews with luminaries from the kink and alternative sexuality communities


  • For $12/month gives you access to everything and more:

    Discord access (of course)

    Premium written posts and the entire blog archive

    Access to a private audio RSS feed featuring:

    • Ad-free episodes of the Ask A Sub podcast

    • Full length Deep Dive interviews (in case you can’t make it live)

    • The Sub Space exclusive OTK series, which features Lina and Mr. Dune chatting about fun topics to go smooth brain and have a meditative moment in your week/month.

    $50 off your first Office Hours booking

    New premium resource PDFs such as a likes/limits questionnaire to share with partners, and more as time goes on!


Lots of creators are offering memberships right now. This is awesome! It give creators a chance to be paid for their work. But because this is a relatively new trend, a lot of memberships don’t have the time-tested value on offer here in the Ask A Sub universe.

I’ve been building my archive of content since 2019. Through the feedback of our consistent community of over 1000 people on Discord, I’ve tweaked and honed what you all need based on (very kinky) listening, negotiation, and feedback.


I have heard from hundreds of kinksters over the years who have found the steady stream of Ask A Sub premium content to be an important antidote to the wide world of kink shame readily available everywhere you turn. Your journey deserves to be fun, nourishing, and well-supported by a beautiful community of like-minded kinksters. Step into a kink life that’s a little more comfortable with a monthly or annual membership at the links below.


I have spent years creating on Patreon and Substack, but as free speech and sex positivity on the internet face an uncertain future, the only true security for creators is to own their own subscription ecosystems. Here, I will never sell your information. I will not and cannot track your activity on other websites. Once you’re in, you won’t be advertised to. This is a place to regain your faith in other people, and go on your kink journey in fiercely-protected safety.

All of us arriving here after being
traumatized by algorithmic social media:


  • Make sure you sign up for Sub Space with the same email as your existing Discord account.

  • I can give you a refund for the rest of your year on Patreon. Once you have already signed up for the annual sub space membership, send me an email with your Sub Space order number and the email you used for your patreon account.

  • If you have bought a course in the last year or so you have created an account to access the material. Your sub space email can be the same as this one if you like. Just make sure the one you use for sub space is consistent with the discord account you want to use.

  • Full membership has 3 main steps you need to take to get set up. This is all explained in your welcome email, but here it is in case you’re looking!

    1) Discord: To access Discord, please click the invite link you received from subspace@askasub.com at sign up. It came in its own email with just the discord link in it

    2) Transistor: You will have gotten an email from Transistor which hosts the private audio feed. Follow their instructions in your sign up email to get the RSS feed into your podcast player of choice.

    3) Blog articles etc: this can all be accessed by logging in with the email you used at sign up at askasub.com/fullmembership


Thank you for your patience <3

Choose your plan

Get It All

Sub Space
Full Membership


Discord Access

Blog Archive

Premium PDFs

Premium RSS Feed

Ad Free Podcast
Deep Dive
OTK with Lina & Mr. Dune

$50 off Office Hours and Special Course Discounts

Choose $12/month or
$120/year and get 2 months free!

Discord Only


Discord Access

Live Deep Dives

Choose $6/month or
$60/year and get 2 months free!